
14 11, 2019

Missing Out on Top 5 Photogenic Locales in Lhasa is Something You’ll Regret❗❗❗

By |2024-06-22T08:07:49+00:00November 14th, 2019|Travel Guide, Travel News, Travel Tips, Travelog|0 Comments

A friend once glanced at the first photo I captured and immediately claimed it was Photoshopped🙄, arguing that there are no lakes in front of the Potala Palace. But in truth, this is an unedited, real photograph taken from a vantage point several kilometers away in Nanshan Park. There's an artificial lake within the park [...]

3 04, 2015

Echoes of Elevation: My First Visit to Lhasa

By |2024-06-22T08:08:00+00:00April 3rd, 2015|Travel Guide, Travel News, Travel Tips, Travelog|0 Comments

After returning from an unforgettable trip to Tibet, followed by a brief rest and a flurry of work, my mind brimming with images of majestic snow-capped mountains, serene glaciers, weathered peaks, endless blue skies, and tranquil lakes. The allure of Tibet has left an indelible mark on me, a sentiment commonly known as the 'Tibet [...]

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